Dnevni arhiv: 7. 11. 2017

Vabilo na 36. simpozij Obdobja – Rokopisi slovenskega slovstva od srednjega veka do moderne

Vabimo vas na slovesni začetek 36. mednarodnega znanstvenega simpozija Obdobja z naslovno temo Rokopisi slovenskega slovstva od srednjega veka do moderne, ki bo v četrtek, 16. 11. 2017, ob 9.00 v Zbornični dvorani glavne stavbe Univerze v Ljubljani (Kongresni trg 12, glavni vhod), ter na predavanja, ki bodo prav tako potekala v prostorih glavne stavbe Univerze v Ljubljani (Kongresni trg 12). Program tridnevnega 36. simpozija Obdobja, na katerem bo 47 udeležencev iz 7 držav predstavilo 45 referatov, si lahko ogledate TUKAJ. Kot poslušalci se lahko simpozija udeležite brez plačila kotizacije.

Prireditev prireja Center za slovenščino kot drugi in tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani s sodelovanjem Inštituta za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU.

Predsedniki 36. simpozija Obdobja doc. dr. Aleksander Bjelčevič, doc. dr. Matija Ogrin in izr. prof. dr. Urška Perenič, strokovna sodelavca 36. simpozija Obdobja dr. Damjan Huber in dr. Mojca Nidorfer Šiškovič.

Štipendije za Turčijo

Apart from providing education opportunities at an international caliber as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience, Turkey also offers scholarships to outstanding international students from all over the world to study in the most prestigious universities in Turkey.
Applications will be open to applicants who wish to study at bachelor’s level on 16 April 2018, master’s and doctoral levels on 5 February 2018.
Applications can only be made through www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr. Applicants are required to submit and upload the necessary documents to the application system.

Applications delivered by post, courier, or by hand will not be accepted.

Are there any authorized persons or institutions for the application?

There are no institutions or persons authorized to apply for Türkiye Scholarships. Candidates must submit their applications to www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr personally. Candidates are strongly advised to carefully read the instructions and warnings in the application system.

Is there any age limit for the applications?

Candidates must not be older than 21 years of age for undergraduate degree, 30 years of age for master’s degree and 35 years of age for doctoral degree.
Is it a must to be a graduate in order to apply?

Applicants who apply to Türkiye Scholarships must be a graduate or able to graduate at the end of the current academic year.
Are there required documents to be submitted during the application?

Candidates have to meet the criteria of the university and department which they choose. If it is requested by the university or department, candidates must submit the necessary documents such as the scores of SAT, TOEFL, DELF, YDS, etc. Applications of candidates who do not submit the required documents will not be evaluated.
How is the evaluation process of the applications?

In the evaluation process of the applications, candidates will be evaluated based on their eligibility to the application criteria of the program applied for as well as their academic and social achievements.
Is it possible for the candidates to choose any department which they want?

In the application system, universities and departments which candidates can choose will be available according to the educational background of the candidate. Candidates may only choose universities and departments available to them in the system. An additional choice of university or department that is not available in the system is not possible.
Which communication channels can I use to get detailed information?

For more information about Türkiye Scholarships and the application process, you may visit our website www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr, reach our Call Center at 0850 455 0982 or send an e-mail to info@turkiyeburslari.org.