Dnevni arhiv: 13. 6. 2017

Vabilo – predpremiera filma o pisateljici Bredi Smolnika

Vljudno vabljeni na predpremiero dokumentarnega filma TV  Slovenija: KO SE TAM GORI OLISTAJO BREZE – Portret pisateljice Brede Smolnikar                                                                    

Govorilne ure (Žbogar)

Obveščam vas, da ta četrtek zaradi neodložljivih obveznosti v zvezi z bolonjskimi magistranti ne bom imela govorilnih ur. Nadomestne govorilne bodo jutri, 14. 6., ob 12.30, in v petek, 16. 6., ob 11h (v kabinetu oz. v predstojniški sobi). Za razumevanje se zahvaljujem. Z lepimi pozdravi, Alenka Žbogar

Izmenjava na Univerzi v Tsukubi na Japonskem

po naročilu koordinatorice programa izmenjav doc. dr. Nagise Moritoki Škof iz Oddelka za azijske študije vam posredujem poziv za prijave študentov, ki bi jih zanimala izmenjava na Univerzi v Tsukubi na Japonskem.
Študenti naj pošljejo prijavo, ki vsebuje  CV in študijski plan, koordinatorici doc. dr. Nagisi Moritoki Škof na naslov: nagisa.moritoki@guest.arnes.si
Rok za prijavo je 30. junij 2017.

Za vse nadaljnje informacije se zainteresirani študentje obrnejo na koordinatorico programa.

Student Exchange Program 2017-18 at the University of Tsukuba, Japan Trans University Partership for Development in Human Studies

Conditions for the student exchange program between the University of Tsukuba and its partner universities:

1. Under the framework of the University Partership for Development in Human Studies,the University of Tsukuba will invite masters students and doctoral students of the human and social sciences from its partner universities.

2. The Student Exchange Program is organized by the Graduate School of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Tsukuba.

3. The period of stay will be (a) from 1st November 2017 to 31st August or 30th Sepbember 2018 (10 months or 11 months) or (b) from 1st February 2018 to 31st December 2018 (10 months) inclusive.

4. The number of students is limited to two students.

5. The student must be a national of a country which has diplomatic relations with Japan.

6. The student must be a regular student of the University of Ljubljana and have permission from the University to study at the University of Tsukuba for the duration of the period of stay.

7. The student must return to continue his or her graduate studies at his or her original partneruniversity at the end of the period of stay at the University of Tsukuba.

8. The student will have student status ‘Exchange research students’ during his or her stay at the University of Tsukuba.

9. In accordance with the inter-university agreement entered into by the partner universities, the student will be exempt from all enrollment and tuition fees of the University of Tsukuba.

10. The student will be awarded an accommodation allowance per month during the period of stay.

11. The student will be awarded a JASSO scholarship of 80,000 yen per month during the period of stay.

12. If the student fulfills all the qualifying requirements, at the end of the period of stay, he or she willbe awarded the short visit program study certificate of the University of Tsukuba.

For further information, please contact : nagisa.moritoki [at] guest.arnes.si