Dnevni arhiv: 13. 12. 2018

Mednarodni praznik žensk: POVABILO K SODELOVANJU

Drage študentke in študenti slovenistike!


Letošnji dan žena bomo obeležile malo drugače kot do sedaj in sicer z medoddelčno razstavo! Razstava, ki se bo otvorila en dan pred mednarodnim praznikom, 7. marca 2019, bo namenjena predstavljanju uspešnih, a manj poznanih slovenskih in tujih družboslovk, humanistk in jezikoslovk.

Vsak oddelek bo razstavljal po eno slovensko in eno tujo predstavnico.


Kateri 2, se sprašujete?

O tem boste odločali vi! 🙂


Organizatorke razstave, predstavnice v ŠOFF in ŠSFF vas zato prosimo, da nam sporočite, katere so po vašem mnenju izjemne slovenske in tuje slovenistke, ki bi jih radi na razstavi predstavili širši javnosti.


Vaše predloge z utemeljitvami sprejemamo do 20. decembra 2018 na elektronski naslov 8.marec.ff@gmail.com.






Dear, students of Slovenian studies!


This year’s Women’s Day will be commemorated in a slightly different way than usually; with a cross-departmental exhibition!

The exhibition, which will open one day before the international holiday, on the 7th of March 2019, will be dedicated to the presentation of successful but less known Slovene and foreign female social scientists, humanists and linguists. Each department will exhibit one Slovene and one foreign woman representative.


Which 2, you ask?

Well, the decision depends on you 🙂


The organizers of the exhibition, representatives in ŠOFF and ŠSFF, would therefore like to ask you voice your opinion on which outstanding Slovene and foreign woman Slovenian language experts should be presented to the general public on this exhibition.


Send us your argumented suggestions by the 20th of December 2018 to the e-mail 8.marec.ff@gmail.com.